A Message from Mount Hiei 2022
On August 4, 2022, on the 35th anniversary of the Religious Summit Meeting on MT. HIEI, we gathered at the summit of Mt. Hiei to pray for world peace and the wellbeing of all people. On this occasion, we hope to send our heartfelt message to all people around the world.
The first meeting of the Religious Summit Meeting on MT. HIEI, the “Interreligious Gathering of Prayer for World Peace,” was held in 1987, guided by the spirit of the Day of Prayer, held in 1986 in Assisi, Italy. Based on the shared recognition that the search for world peace is a fundamental element of every religion, we confirmed that we must foster world peace through the quest of justice and benevolence, and that as religious leaders we should always stand by the weak.
Today, 35 years since the first summit meeting, despite the aspirations of many people, we still face extremely severe problems, one of which is worsening global warming. This problem cannot be left unaddressed. Moreover, scientists have proved that if we leave it unaddressed, it will grow extremely critical, threatening the survival of not only humankind but also all life forms on the earth. It has also become evident that the measures we take in the coming 10 years will determine the future of the earth.
At the 26th UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) held in October 2021 in Glasgow, Scotland, after intense negotiations, the state parties finally reached an agreement to limit the average global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. Although considerable difficulties are predicted in achieving this numerical goal, global warming has already reached a critical level, as evidenced in recent occurrences of severe natural disasters around the world, including heavy rains, forest fires caused by heatwaves, and extensive flooding in island regions.
We cannot expect improvement in the global environment without international cooperation programs that involve developing countries, as well as advanced countries. Since the key players are the policymakers of the respective countries, we must deliver compelling voices of the common people suffering from the problems to the leaders of the respective countries and international organizations, and encourage them to exert their leadership further. At the same time, we must also recognize that every one of us is responsible for environmental problems. In other words, countless small acts in our daily lives lead to grave problems over the long term. Even today, not a few people consider that their daily behaviors do not have a significant impact on the environment. However, even minor misbehaviors, if accumulated, have a grave impact. We must therefore understand that individual people’s behaviors affect not only themselves but also other people. It is evident that people cannot live alone. To live means to be supported by others and the network of interactive entities surrounding us. This awareness leads us to realize that our ethical mission is to live in harmony with other people and with the surrounding environment. This means we should lead our lives following the wisdom of our Supreme Beings. As religious leaders, we must reconsider with many others the meaning of a better life and a better lifestyle. We must strive to transform our conventional lifestyle that prioritizes economic growth to a new lifestyle that emphasizes the environment (an eco-friendly lifestyle), promoting awareness that the latter is more human. In this context, we understand that religious leaders have a major role to play, as well as a great responsibility to fulfill.
The eco-friendly lifestyle can also provide effective means of battling against the persistent COVID-19 pandemic. In this relation, information sharing and international cooperation must be promoted further.
Finally, we strongly protest Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which began half a year before this year’s Interreligious Gathering of Prayer for World Peace. Having experienced the ultimate menace of nuclear weapons during the East-West Cold War, humans selected a path that would lead them to the coexistence of both blocs in order to avoid the tragic end of a nuclear war. Nevertheless, to the great dismay of international society, a superpower has openly threatened the world by implying the possible use of its nuclear weapons in order to achieve its political aims. We can never permit the violation of international law by Russia, one of the permanent members of the UN Security Council, whose role is to mediate in international conflicts.
We strongly demand that Russia withdraw from Ukraine immediately. To halt the military operation instantly and begin negotiations, the permanent members of the UN Security Council and other related parties should combine their wisdom to find the best way. At the same time, we must remember that of all human activities, a war is the greatest cause of environmental destruction.
August 4, 2022
Participants in the Interreligious Gathering of Prayer for World Peace
On the 35th anniversary of the Religious Summit Meeting on MT. HIEI